- Publications Nationales et Internationales année 2015
Domaines |
Publications |
Sciences de la nature et de la vie |
Lakbar Chanez, Retem Chahira, Labar Sofiane, Trocchia Samantha, Djabri Larbi, Maurel Daniel, Siaude Philippe, Guerriero Giulia. Environmental Effect of Parathion Methyl on Bio-chemical Changes and Detoxification Capacity. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research. May 2015. Volume 6, Issue5, ISSN: 2229-5518. |
Ghamri Abdelaziz. Nouvelle méthode d’évaluation des parcours steppiques e Algérie. Livestock Research for Rural Development 27 (7). 2015. ISSN:0121-3784. http://www.lrrdd.org/lrrd27/7/gham27139.html | |
S. Telailia, L. Boutabia, E. Bensaci, A. Boucheker, M.F. Samar, M.C. Maazi, M.Saheb, M.A. Bensouileh and m.Houhamdi, Memographic development of breeding populations of yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840 on the small islands and along the coastline of Numidia (north-eastern Algeria). The Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, 25(4), 2015: 1160-1167. | |
Lamia Boutabia, Salah Telaila and Gérard de Bélair, Corticolous Lichen Flora on Quercussuber L. in the wetlands of El Kala National Park (north-eastern Algeria). Advances in Environmental Biology, 9(4), 2015: 360-372. | |
Djabali Nacira, Berrezig Wiem, Ghai Djamila, Effects of Active Smoking on Renal Function, Advances in Environmental Biologie, 9(24), Novembre 2015: 191-195. | |
Djabali Nacira and Taif Hanane, Study of the situation of active smoking in the area of El-Tarf (North-East of Algeria), International Journal of Current Research, Vol 7, Issue12, Décembre 2015 : 24831-24835. |