Study in Algeria

  • Employees:

Ms Bounouala Farida  The office responsible


Phone number: 

  • Tasks and targets:

–  The role off this office is to coordinate students’ affairs:

–  Following inscriptions, movements and students pedagogic matters

–  Accompaniment of international students to insure their integration in our university and their orientation to the multiple services that it offers

  • How to contact the office:

–  Address: office of international students –vice rectotrate of foreign relationships – Sidi Belgacem office – Chadli Bendjedid El tarf University

Pb: 73 El Tarf 36000

–  work time:

. Morning period: 8:00 – 12:00

. Evening period: 13:00 – 16:00



    1. Coming student (international students’ reception) :

If you have a baccalaureate certificate or you are graduated in license or master and you are interested in studying in Chadli Bendjedid El tarf University Algeria you need to contact the international student office or any similar service in your university to know how to make your inscription and to join our university


Here some previous statistics about international student that have all ready studied here

Classification of international students by nationality

  • Training offers :
  • Student Cultural and Sports Life:       Click here
  • University residencies & its related services   Click here    or Facebook    Here
  • International studens’ guide for universitery insciptions    Arabic version     English Version 
  • Reglementary texts for universitery inscriptions           download

The training Itiniraries in the University

Faculty of life & natural sciences:

Faculty of life & natural sciences                                Click here

Department of Marine Sciences                                 Click here

Department of Agricultural Sciences                         Click here

Department of Biology                                                  Click here

Faculty of law & political Sciences:

Faculty of law & political Sciences                             Click here

Faculty of letterature and Arabic Languages:

Department of English language                                 Click here

Department of Frensh language                                  Click here

Department of Arabic language                                   Click here

Faculty of Social & human Sciences:

Faculty of Social & human sciences                            Click here

Faculty of Science & Technology:

Faculty of Science & technology                                   Click here

Faculty of Economic, Commercial & Management Sciences:

Faculty of Economic, Commercial & Management Sciences                        Click here