Training offers license (L.M.D System)

Faculty Department specialities
Life & Natural Sciences
Agriculture Sciences Department
Animal Production
Food Technology & quality Control
Agro Ecological
Plant production
Biology Department
Vegetable Biology & Physiology
Ecology & Environnment
Plant biotechnology and plant improvement
Marine Sciences Department
Aquaculture and Fish Farming
Biology & Ecology of Aquaculture envirements
Faculty Department Specialities
Faculty of letterature and Arabic Languages
Department of Arabic language & letterature
Applied linguistics
Popular letterature
Department of frensh language
Language sciences
Didactics of foreign languages
Department of English Language
Didactics of foreign languages
Faculty Department specialities
Faculty of Economic, commercial & management Sciences
Department of Economic Sciences
Monetary & banking economy
Department of management Sciences
business management
Faculty Department specialities
Faculty of social & Human Sciences
Department of social Sciences
Sociology of organization and work
Sociology of communication
Faculty Department specialities
Faculty of Law & political Sciences
Department of Law
Public law
Private law
Faculty Department specialities
Faculty of Science & technology 
Department of Physics
Material Phyci
Department of Chemistry
Analytical Chemistery
Department of Mathematics
Department of Computer sciences
Information Systems